Teddys in my top drawer.'Īnd with that, Beau left. He knew Maisy wasn't happy about last night, everyone had to have an idea of just how angry she is.īeau gave Eric a look, then pulled on his collar to straighten it out. You apologize, she'll apologize and then I'll give her the bear back and she'll sleep.' 'She hates me right now! Do you really think she'll be okay with that?' Beau was gathering his stuff and putting it into his bag for work.
Cassidy already left, Miles and Amber have plans, and Eric doesn't want to. 'I have to work too! Just bring her to the daycare.'īeau has to go in today, and he was trying to get someone to stay home with Maisy because he clearly can't take her looking like that. Making it clear that she wasn't kidding.īecause that's just what Beau needs, on a day he's going to the company office, a sleep deprived toddler. 'I didn't sweep.' At least she didn't sound as angry as she looked, and then she started to rub her eyes. She didn't answer, and only glared at him. 'What?' Beau came in and saw Maisy, crossing her arms, knotted hair and a deadly glare. 'Uh.hey Beau?' Maisy was already glaring at Miles, she hadn't said anything but no one would dare cross her from the look she was giving.